Canto 9 “Liberation”
1. King Sudyumna Becomes a Woman
2. The Dynasties of Six of the Sons of Manu
3. The Marriage of Sukanyā and Cyavana Muni
4. Ambarīṣa Mahārāja Offended by Durvāsā Muni
5. Durvāsā Saved: the Cakra-prayers of Ambarīṣa
6. The Downfall of Saubhari Muni
7. The Descendants of King Māndhātā
8. The Sons of Sagara Meet Lord Kapiladeva
9. The Dynasty of Aṁśumān
10. The Pastimes of Lord Rāmacandra
11. Lord Rāmacandra Rules the World
12. The Dynasty of Kuśa, the Son of Lord Rāmacandra
13. The Story of Nimi and the Dynasty of his Son Mithila
14. King Purūravā Enchanted by Urvaśī
15. Paraśurāma, the Lord’s Warrior Incarnation
16. How Lord Paraśurāma Came to Destroy the Ruling Class Twenty-one Times
17. The Dynasties of the Sons of Purūravā
18. King Yayāti Regains his Youth
19. King Yayāti Achieves Liberation: the Goats of Lust
20. The Dynasty of Pūru up to Bharata
21. The Dynasty of Bharata: the Story of Rantideva
22. The Descendants of Ajamīḍha: the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas
23. The Dynasties of the Sons of Yayāti: the Appearance of Lord Kṛṣṇa
24. The Yadu and Vṛṣṇi Dynasties, Pṛthā and the Glory of Lord Kṛṣṇa